I just wanted to let you guys know about an exciting beauty event that’s taking place next week in Selfridges London. Charlotte Tilbury will be running the Selfridges week-long beauty festival from 17th-23rd June. There’s going to be different things happening every day including makeovers, beauty treatments and panels with her famous friends. You can see the events programme here

I’ll be in the Selfridges beauty concept store covering the event on Monday 17th from 12-3pm so if you want to come along and say hi I’d love to meet some of you! It’s free to pop by during the day (although you do need to book for makeover appointments) and if you want to watch any of the panels the tickets are £25 and you get a glass of champagne and a sample pot of Charlotte’s famous Magic Cream! 

It should be a fun week with loads going on so I’m excited to get involved on Monday and hopefully get some makeup tips from Charlotte. 

If you can’t make it but would still like to keep updated, follow me on Twitter and Instagram @lilypebbles for updates throughout the day! 

Hopefully see some of you there!