Week #62

My week in photos for the 62nd time. Highlights included a museum day with Rich, a 3 year old’s Easter egg hunt & lots of chocolate eating!

Bank holiday working from bed  |  Jouer bronzer has a friend  |  Tucked in (but I’m doing it!)
Cutest egg hunt ever  |  Day out with Rich  |  April fools!!! 
Zara bag love  |  Lebanese lunch  |  Voucher spending & mini haul
Follow me on Twitter @lilypebbles  |  NEXT clutch bag  |  Pickles on the run
Allure iPad edition  |  Filming in my room  |  Ed’s diner shake
#TBT Will Young scrapbook  |  #TBT Me & Debs  |  I was naughty in Boots

Follow me on Instagram @lilypebbles for daily photos!