After having my first baby I felt totally lost when it came to how to dress. My wardrobe was filled with t-shirts that didn't fit and worked best tucked into high waisted jeans, trousers that didn't suit my new body shape and shirts that didn't sit right on my broader shoulders. It felt like someone else's wardrobe and it took me a really long time to let go of older items that didn't work any more and...
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Lily Pebbles

A full-time Londoner living in denim, usually found vlogging & taking photos of food.


For business and booking queries, please get in touch here.

My MAC Lipstick Collection

I always get questions about MAC lipsticks so I thought it was about time I made a video on my collection. It’s not a great collection because most of them are colours that don’t suit me or I no longer like. BUT I have quite a few favourites that have become staples in my makeup routine. 

If you want to see the full list of lipstick names, just click the ‘more info’ at the top right of the video. Also, there’s a little blooper at the end… I’m only human! 

Happy watching! 

Lily xx